How to Get Involved!
Host an Event
If you have a large venue located on the Portland Peninsula and you’d like to reach a great audience of young professionals compelled to do good in the world, please let us know.
Your venue must be able to hold 250-500 people. We’d love it if you already hold a liquor license, but even if you don’t, let's talk!
Email us at

Be a Featured Non-Profit
We host events on the second Tuesday of every month to bring awareness to a different local non-profit.
We’re looking to support Maine-based causes that contribute to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of our community. No political or religious groups, please!
If you have a venue that would like to host let us know. We're always looking for new venues!
If you're interested in being a featured non-profit at an event in 2025, please fill out our application here! We are accepting applications until Thursday, October 24th, 2024.
Please feel to contact us with any questions.

Apply for a Micro Grant
Do you have an idea for a project that will make our community or neighborhood a better, greener, more sustainable place?
Portland Greendrinks is proud to announce the launch of its Micro Grant Program. These community micro grants are available to anyone who has a project that will further the Greendrinks mission: To create a more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable community by supporting local organizations, businesses, and green initiatives.
Funding is available for up to $1,000; however, the average grant awarded will be $500 or less.
Nonprofits, businesses, schools, and individuals are eligible to apply.
Projects must benefit the Greater Portland community.
Projects must have a specific and concrete outcome, and be completed within a 12-month timeline.
Funding may not be used for general operating support; ongoing salaries; or to support a portion of a larger, ongoing project
Applications Information:
The next Micro grant program will begin in the fall. We will be posting a new application and details closer to that date!