Meet the Team
Executive Board

Amanda Barnett
Amanda is a water resources engineer focusing on dam safety risk analyses and flood event modeling. Aside from engineering she is also involved in the DE+I Committee at her work, where she focuses on creating education and engagement opportunities for staff across the company.
She began attending Greendrinks events in 2018 after graduating from the University of Maine and moving back to South Portland. Greendrinks events were an excellent way for her to reconnect with the people and causes in the Southern Maine community. She is excited to have joined the board in 2023!

Vice President
Stephen Quirk
Stephen is a native Mainer who has been attending Portland Greendrinks since 2008. He holds a degree in photography from Maine College of Art and spent a semester abroad at Burren College of Art in Ireland. He brings a lifelong passion for technology and creativity to his role as Director of Operations at a software company. His experience ranges from founding a non-profit, running a music blog, working in the arts and education, web agencies, and coordinating events for a Silicon Valley tech company.
When not doing those things, he enjoys a good tropical cocktail, running the Maine Out In Tech Slack channel, and spending time with his kids.

Laurie Jevons
Originally from New York, Laurie relocated to Portland in 2019 after stints in Montreal, Boston, and Denver. With a masters degree in nonprofit management (and a graduate of the Maine Association of Nonprofits Emerging Leaders program), Laurie is passionate about working with nonprofit organizations! In her free time, you can find Laurie trying to finish the NH 48, binging Real Housewives, or somewhere on a beach.

Aviva Shaw
A native New Yorker, Aviva has lived in Maine since 1994 and settled in Portland in 2003. She is the Director of Development and Operations at the Maine Academy of Modern Music. Having attended Portland Greendrinks since its inception, she couldn't think of a better way to spend a few dollars and a few hours on a Tuesday night. She's an artist and mother to three adorable redheads.
Brewer Liaison
Chris Hafford
Chris joined the board in April 2022 and works as the Director of Sales for Banded Brewing Company. Chris has been a long-time attendee of Greendrinks and over the last year has poured beer at a number of events. A dedicated volunteer, Chris has worked on many different campaigns and initiatives throughout the years. He can often be seen around town delivering beer samples to many of the fine drinking establishments, or discussing the particularities of different beer styles with anyone who will listen.

Ben Moore
Ben joined the board in 2022 and works for CarHop Food & Drink Delivery as their Marketing Manager. He's also a photographer, videographer and website architect and occasionally teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He's been supporting local breweries since 2011 as Active Beer Geek. Ben has been attending Greendrinks for a number of years and loves the opportunity to help on the board.
Working Board

Adam Carlow
Adam is a longtime Portland resident and lifelong Mainer.
Working in guest relations/customer service for multiple decades, he loves the adventure of bringing people together and watching the local community grow.
A long-time Greendrinks attendee, he is excited to join the board and bring his unique point of view to this nonprofit!
In his free time Adam enjoys taking in the beauty of Maine’s coast, spending time with his chosen family and friends, and is always on the hunt for an amazing cup of coffee.

Donna Ekart
Donna is a librarian by profession and by nature. She's a Midwest transplant from Kansas who loves the beauty of Maine while stubbornly maintaining that the prairie is "just as pretty as the ocean." She loves her wife, her two dogs, kayaking, lifting heavy weights, growing too much food in her backyard gardens, ill-conceived home improvement projects, and local breweries.
She was previously the board president of Speak About it and volunteers for several other Maine organizations.

Adam Frawley
Adam is a dog dad who originally hailed from the lesser New England state (one notch above Connecticut) New Hampshire. He joined the board in 2022 after attending events for a few years. He builds a mean fire, has excellent taste in whiskey, and crushes audiobooks.

Eliza Jacobs
Eliza joined GMRI in June 2022 as a Research Assistant in the Learning Sciences Lab. She received her M.S. in Teaching from the University of Maine. She has worked as an Ed Tech in South Portland Public Schools, a classroom teacher in South Korea, a study abroad student coordinator, and in sales and operations for sea kayaking and deep-sea fishing companies.
A native Mainer, Eliza is an enthusiastic runner, skier, hiker, potter, and knitter. She always has a suggestion for an outdoor adventure, no matter where in Maine you might be looking.

Daniel Keenan
Daniel runs Keenan Law, LLC, a law firm focused on civil litigation, criminal defense, business law, and immigration matters.
Currently, Daniel is a corporator at the Boys & Girls Club of Southern Maine, where he is a member of the programming committee, and was a judge for the organization’s Youth of the Year competition in 2020.
In his free time, Daniel enjoys traveling and experiencing New England's amazing food culture and natural beauty. Daniel resides in South Portland with his girlfriend, Tasha, and border terrier, Hatch.

Dylan Macintosh
Dylan moved to Portland in 2023 and is originally from Western Massachusetts, where he used to attend Greendrinks events that were a whole lot smaller, and far less fun. Dylan studied sustainability in graduate school and enjoys teaching green design to his high school engineering and architecture students.
Besides doing green things and drinky things, Dylan can be found doing musical things and outdoorsy things. He is thrilled to be part of the board.

John Sears
John is a remote BD leader at a management consulting firm who moved back to Maine in December 2023. Originally from the North Shore of MA, John fell in love with Maine (and Greendrinks!) when his wife was studying at UNE Portland, and he could not be happier to return from away with his son and daughter. In his free time, John frequents the gym and local breweries (balance!) and enjoys going to concerts, anything alt-rock, punk pop or emo. He’s also into Latin dance, karaoke, board games, and DnD.

Chelsea Valentine
Chelsea moved from Pennsylvania to Maine in 2013 as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. At that time, she also began attending Greendrinks. She continues to work in social services and is currently attending grad school part-time. She has a 5-star review on Rover for dog-sitting and is working on completing the Maine Beer Trail. She's excited to be a member of the board and looks forward to all the events ahead.
Advisory Board

Cory Schnaible
A Cape Codder washed ashore in Maine, Cory has lived in and around Portland since 2005. For him, it was love at first taste with Greendrinks and he’s excited to help the movement grow. When he’s not busy being a copywriter at Ethos, Cory runs, jumps, and writes some more. He loves his dog, his wife, his identical twin baby schniblets, and always sneezes into the inside of his left elbow.

Lauren Verhey
Lauren is a born and bred Maine native. Introduced to Greendrinks by a friend a few years back, Lauren regularly attended events and loved how the Portland branch found a way to incorporate some of her favorite things into one event; good people, good causes, and great local beer! When you see her, definitely say hi!

Rachel GoodPal
Rachel is out of this world excited to join the Portland Greendrinks board. When she's not being the boss lady of Lake George Distilling Company, she's perfecting her art on her Cricket or sewing machine while dabbling in ceramics. Her great loves include musical theater, staying at home alone, and making teenage girls cry at field hockey games.

Bailey Auspland-Jones
Bailey is a Maine transplant from Louisville, KY and has lived in the Portland area for the past 15 years. She's been a regular at Greendrinks since she first heard about it in 2013 and frequently drags any mix of friends, family, and co-workers to the events to support local breweries and non-profits. In 2018, her now-husband proposed to her at the May event at Fork Food Lab!
Bailey spends her days working to improve the lives of pets and their owners at IDEXX Laboratories and has been on the board since 2019 and has served as both President and VP!